
Two Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Spring Cleaning

Make a fresh start this spring with a professional house cleaning. Your health and your mood will thank you.

Spring is here! And one of the best ways to kick off the season is with a deep clean of your living space. But the benefits of spring cleaning aren’t limited to just a tidier home. A good cleaning also impacts you. In more ways than one.

1. A clean home is good for your physical health

All winter long, dirt, dust, and other debris have been tracked into your home. Riding on the bottom of winter boots. Floating through the air. Collecting in corners. Where it not only gunks up your space, but also poses real risks to your wellness. 

A deep spring cleaning will get all that undesirable stuff out of your home, paving the way for a major well-being boost. 

Here’s how a clean home impacts your physical health:

  • Reduces allergies and asthma by improving air quality and eliminating common irritants like mold spores, dust mites, and pet dander 
  • Removes tripping hazards by keeping areas clear of clutter and reducing the likelihood of falls and other injuries
  • Discourages pest infestations by disinfecting areas where rodents and other pests can set up camp

2. A clean home is good for your mental health

But better physical health is just one half of the equation. A clean and tidy home also impacts your mental health. 

Most of us know this through our own experience. After all, the world always seems a little brighter in a clean home, doesn’t it? Well, science proves it. Study after study has shown that our outer surroundings profoundly affect our inner experience. 

Here’s how a clean home impacts your mental health:

  • Pumps up focus by removing distractions and bringing a sense of order to your space
  • Stabilizes mood by producing a calming effect that dissolves stress and increases well-being
  • Promotes healthy life choices by establishing a stable routine that makes it easier to avoid temptation 

Hire professional house cleaning and eco-friendly cleaning services

Don’t have the time to clean your own home? Or just want a pro to handle it for you? Hiring a professional house cleaning service like Up & Go is a simple way to get all the benefits of a deep spring clean, without lifting a finger. It’s likely more affordable than you may think. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to support a local business, while you relax and enjoy the start of a new season.

Book with Up & Go for professional home cleaning, office cleaning, or move in/out cleaning.